Monday, April 30, 2012

Review: Destined

Title: Destined
Author: Aprilynne Pike
Published: May 1, 2012
Source: Anna @ Lit Explorer

Laurel now knows the truth: Yuki is a rare Winter faerie, the most powerful—and deadly—of all, and she is working with Klea to conquer and destroy Avalon. With Tamani, David, and Chelsea by her side, Laurel prepares for a fight she never thought she would have to face.

Filled with heart-pounding action, sweeping romance, and higher stakes at every turn, Destined is the series conclusion that readers have been clamoring for—with a twist that will leave them breathless.

Tamani looked at her gravely, and reached up to touch her hair behind her ear. He hesitated for an instant, then his hands found the sides of her face, pulling her to him. He didn't kiss her, just held her face to his, their foreheads resting together, their noses almost touching.

She hated how much it felt like good-bye.
What a way to end the series. From the very beginning Destined was one big battle after another and just left me feeling like I could never know what would happen! I never wanted Destined to end, but sadly it had too.

Well, the cover fits in perfectly in with the other covers, which all have flowers on them. I think they symbolize the different faeries bloom, but I'm not 100% sure. Still it is beautiful and it had my friends gasping when I pulled it out of my bag.

Aprilynne Pike sure knows how to write a story. The whole book was one big battle of pure, epic proportions. The way the story was written, it kept you in suspense just long enough, and then it would save you and tell you what was going on! It was amazing and I loved every second of it!

Laurel, well she hasn't changed. She is still and amazingly strong character. All she wants is the fighting to be over with, because then she could go back to normal. She relies on her friends and of course Tamani to help her out, but she doesn't like relying on them. She rather them not get hurt and stay safe, but of course they just want to help her!

Then there is Tamani. He got even more amazing in this book, if that is even possible. He was so dedicated to saving Avalon, it was just amazing to read. He was so strong and beautiful in this book that he took my breath away. I might have a little crush on him! :) Hehe

All in All:
AMAZING! That is all I can say. David's letter at the at the end broke my heart a little, but it made it all wrap up and close perfectly. Job well done Aprilynne Pike, I hope to read more of your stories soon! :) 5 out of 5 tacos!

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